SEO - comprehensive measures to improve the site for its ranking in search engines.

The effectiveness of the SEO work can be determined quite simply - compare the cost of a lead from contextual advertising and SEO traffic - if it has decreased, then the SEO promotion services have been provided with high quality. Next comes work with hypotheses and A / B testing.

Guarantees for SEO promotion

Due to the specifics of the SEO sphere (counter-actions of competitors, technical features of search engines, etc.), only scammers can give a guarantee for the results of SEO promotion. We give a guarantee specifically for the quality of the work performed (indicated in the audit), the quality of the audit itself, and a focus on a set of KPI indicators.

Frequency of work in the field of SEO promotion

By cost - to maintain future positions in search engines, SEO work must be carried out continuously, otherwise competitors will quickly adjust the positions of their sites, shifting the positions of your site in search results down, so to achieve good results, it is advisable to choose one of the monthly support options.

Benefit when ordering SEO promotion from Tonweb Agency

When ordering any monthly tariff and paying for 3 months or more - related work of the programmer on the instructions of the SEO specialist is carried out free of charge, in other cases the cost is calculated separately and is determined according to the assessment of the programmer's labor costs - Such tasks will need to be solved promptly, otherwise achieving the effect may stretch out over time or even reduce the effect of the SEO specialist's work to zero. The offer is valid only for projects developed by us, and when ordering SEO promotion of a third-party project, the cost will depend on its level of technical execution.

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